Manufactured from linear high density porous polyethylene |
Porosity is maintained large with average pore size from 300 to |
700 micrometers and a pore volume in the 40-50 percent range. |
The interconnecting, omni directional pore structure of BIOPORE |
Implants which allows tissue ingrowth. |
The lightweight property of BIOPORE Implants, the |
biocompatibility of the porous polyethylene and the ability to place |
the implant deep in the socket contribute to the overall popularity |
of this implant. |
BIOPORE Implants can be easily cut/ moulded/ reshaped during |
surgery, may be fixed with sutures, or titanium screws. |
This makes it an exciting material with ever increasing range of |
application in maxillofacial, orbital, and neurosurgical surgeries. |